
Founded by Mr Jaidayal Dalmia in 1939, Dalmia Cement is one of India’s pioneering homegrown cement companies. Headquartered in New Delhi, the company operates as Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Ltd, a 100% subsidiary of Dalmia Bharat Ltd. Dalmia Bharat Limited is a publicly listed entity on the National Stock Exchange and the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE/NSE Symbol: DALBHARAT)

The company operates a manufacturing capacity of 46.6MnT per annum (MTPA), across 15 cement plants and grinding units which are spread across 10 states. With over 38,000 dealers and sub-dealers, the company presently services more than 23 states and is among the leading players in every region where it is present in. To scale the business as well as venture into new geographies, both, acquisitions and greenfield expansions have been key for the company. Dalmia Cement is the only company with at least one plant in each of the four key eastern states of West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand and Odisha.

The company offers a range of cement variants through its brand portfolio of three marquee brands: Dalmia Cement, Dalmia DSP and Konark Cement. These brands are available as Portland Pozzolana Cement, Portland Slag Cement, Composite Cement and Ordinary Portland Cement in select markets. Dalmia Cement is India’s largest manufacturer of slag cement and is a category leader in super-speciality cement used for oil wells, railway sleepers, and airstrips. Dalmia Cement works with engineers and technocrats around the country to develop a wide variety of customised cement which is manufactured for specific engineering and construction needs.

For nearly eight decades, Dalmia Cement has delivered value-added products and reliable post-sale services. It has played a catalytic role in India’s infrastructural growth.

As a prominent Indian cement manufacturer and thought leader, Dalmia Cement continues to aspire to enhance value in a sustainable way for all its stakeholders. Dalmia Cement is 14 times water positive and will be 20 times water positive by 2025. The company’s commitment towards environmental protection reflects in its achievements. The company has the lowest carbon footprint in the cement world globally. It has also been ranked No. 1 in the global cement manufacturing sector by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) for business readiness of lowest carbon transition.

Our Vision, Goal & Values

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Our Vision

To unleash the potential of everyone we touch.

Our Goal

To be in the top two in all our businesses on the strength of our people and the speed of our innovation.

Our Values


Dalmia DNA

At Dalmia Bharat Group, we have worked with a strong cultural connect, commitment, and jazbaa for over 80 years. Twenty years ago, we moved to Dalmia 2.0, and today, we are known as one of the leading brands in cement and sugar. We have an equally strong presence in the refractory business.

Sustainable growth has been a part of our ethos for years now which is a result of the four strong pillars of profitability, growth, sustainability, and reputation. Dalmia Bharat Group is a leading contributor to global sustainability efforts, through our philosophy of “Clean and Green is Profitable and Sustainable”.

As an organisation, we have always felt that to grow from good to great, we should always live by a certain set of values and live by a positive DNA. We are proud to say that we have stayed the course and built our organisation on a strong foundation of Indian values and culture which is reflected by our DNA.

Introducing Dalmia DNA – The Six Fundamental Behaviors

  • Committed
  • Open
  • Bold
  • Fast
  • Collaborative
  • Trusted

To Self: Discipline in Daily Life

Stay committed to your wellness. Know that wellness of the body, mind and soul is essential to channelize your energy towards achieving your goals.

To Organization: Take Ownership of Delivery

It is most important to get things done. Work hard and actively take help wherever required. Take personal accountability, communicate with clarity, and do the detailing to align others.

To People: Believe in Caring, Nurturing & Empathizing

If you touch the hearts of people, the possibilities are infinite. Aim to deeply connect with your team through your care, concern, and empathy.


To Change: Only Change is Constant

Be aware that the only person one can change is Self. Seek feedback, reflect, and act on it. Stay persistent and conquer yourself. Show discipline, patience, and a lot of practice to develop Self.

To Learn: Learning Leads to Personal Growth

Be hungry and open to learn from anywhere & anyone. Never be afraid to say ‘I do not know’. Stay open to new ideas and learn new skills.

To Ideas: It is Ideas that Shape the World

Be open to ideas and encourage open discussions. Build an environment where everyone can share their ideas without fear. A good idea becomes a great idea when you let it out.


In Belief: Be Fearless & Have No Self Imposed Limits

Believe in yourself & have conviction in your ideas. Step out of your comfort zone and be confident and secure in your abilities. It’s not what you are, that’s holding you back. It’s what you think you are not.

In Actions: Courage to Choose the Difficult Path

Have the courage to ask tough questions and express disagreements at times for the larger good. It’s crucial to stay brave in difficult situations and act as change agents to lead the team effectively.

In Letting Go: Let Go of What Does Not Serve the Bigger Purpose

You only have so much emotional energy and time everyday. Keep your eye on the goal. Choose your battles wisely because if you fight them all, you will be tired to win the really important ones.


In Decision: Timely Decisions Make Or Break an Organization

“Done” is better than “Perfect”. Use your judgment and discipline to prioritize and then proceed with speed. Effectiveness begins with elimination. Do fewer things and do them well. Remember the 80:20 rule. Adopt digital ways and tools to make a quick impact.

In Execution: A Decision Executed Completes the Strategy

Strategy without execution is a mere conversation. Quickly breathe life into the idea, support it with meticulous planning and close the task within deadline. Share the plan with complete clarity to the team and build wider ownership right at the beginning.

In Response: Your Response Time Decides Your Character

Think in hours and days, not weeks and months. Always remember, either you meet the timelines or you don’t. There is no “I tried my best”. Respect people’s time and never keep them waiting for your response. Respond without the need to be followed upon.


In Relationship: Relationships Are Built When You Proactively Reach Out

Connect Proactively. Reach out to people. Show that you care. It’s not about how experienced or knowledgeable you are, but more about how you take others along.

In Working: Work Becomes Experience When You Do It Together

Coming together is just a beginning. Staying together is progress. Working together is a success. And the most essential ingredient for this success is the ability to listen, in order to build a shared understanding.

In Solutions: Innovative Solutions Emerge When You Work Together

Remember if a challenge exists, so does the solution. Stay flexible to work on an idea, deliberate together and convert an idea into a solution collectively. When you collaborate, you can create magic.


In Words: Your Words Reflect Your Thoughts

No relationship can survive without honesty and reliability, no matter what your title is. You should mean what you say & keep your promises. If you want to be trusted, you must be true to your word.

In Motives: If the Motive is Noble, It Will Lead to Greater Good

Without a noble motive and purpose, action has no meaning and lacks foundation. Act with stature and noble intent. Offer a compelling example that inspires others in a way that they emulate.

In Teams: Celebrate Wins & Acknowledge the Contribution of Others

It is by trusting in each other’s ability, sharing common goals, and giving credit that one transforms a group of people into a team. Without trust, teams don’t really collaborate; we merely coordinate or best cooperate.

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Our Landmark Projects


Hirakud Dam, Odisha
World’s longest dam, by the longest-serving company in India

Chennai Metro
Carrying 14 lakh passengers every day

Advanced landing strip in Arunachal Pradesh for the Indian Air Force

Dhola Sadhiya Bridge
Connecting Assam to Arunachal Pradesh

Vidhya Sagar Setu
Kolkata, India’s New Hoogly

Bogibeel Bridge
The 'Lifeline' of Assam

Salt Lake Stadium- Kolkata, India’s largest football
stadium with a seating capacity of 85000 people

Bengaluru Metro
The second-longest operational metro network in India

Kochi Metro
The first metro system in the country that connects rail, road, and water transport facilities

Farakka Bridge, West Bengal
Connecting North & South Bengal

Tirupati International Airport, Andhra Pradesh

Veer Savarkar International Airport
(Andaman International Airport)

Mettur Dam
Largest Dam in Tamil Nadu

NCRTC – Delhi to Meerut

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Board of Directors


Dalmia Bharat Foundation Dalmia Bharat Foundation

Dalmia Bharat Foundation

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